7 Tips to Get Pregnant During IVF

If you’ve been trying to conceive through in vitro fertilization (IVF) for a while, it can be tough not knowing why you haven’t succeeded yet. Perhaps you’ve heard that it can take as many as 20 treatments to get pregnant through IVF. Or perhaps you’re worried that your period might be making it difficult for your doctor to collect enough of your eggs for treatment. However, there are many reasons why getting pregnant through IVF is challenging, and why the odds are stacked against you from the start. Fortunately, these challenges don’t have to mean an end to your journey — in fact, with careful monitoring, some clever strategies, and a lot of patience, most couples can succeed at getting pregnant through IVF. And once you do succeed, your improved chances of having another child make up for all the failed attempts along the way! Here are 7 tips you can use to make getting pregnant through IVF easier.

Don’t skip meals

Eggs are produced in your ovaries all throughout your menstrual cycle and are released each month around the same time as your period. Around this time of the month, your cycle is most likely to be affected by your diet. If you skip meals particularly if you don’t eat regularly throughout your cycle your body will most likely stop producing as many eggs. Furthermore, a diet that is too low in calories can affect your hormone levels, which can affect your fertility. If you need to skip meals for any reason, make sure to eat a healthy, balanced diet throughout your cycle to maintain your fertility. The same goes if you are having treatment. Missing one day of eating calories will leave your body without fuel, and can decrease your fertility.

Be sure to get enough sleep

Resting your body is crucial for its repair processes, and for the production of healthy hormones. The Best fertility hospital in Chennai lack of sleep can affect your hormone levels, as well as your fertility. In particular, sleep that is restricted to less than 9 hours has been shown to decrease egg quality. Make sure to get at least 9 hours of sleep every day. After all, you are likely under a lot of stress, so you will be more likely to be sleep-deprived if you are also trying to conceive through IVF. You can also try to reduce stress in other ways, such as exercising, meditating, or having a hobby that calms your nerves.

Check your ovulation calendar

Your monthly cycle is likely to be affected by certain foods, exercise habits, and stress levels, as well as medications you may be taking. Luckily, you can use a digital calendar to track your cycle and certain factors that may affect your cycle. Some fertility tracking apps can also help you keep track of your cycle so you can identify any changes that could affect your fertility. If you start noticing a pattern in your cycle that is affecting your fertility, make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible.

Monitor your fertility environment

Many factors can affect your fertility environment. These include temperature, lighting, humidity, and pollution levels. If you live in a particularly cold or hot climate, you may have to adjust your cycle to accommodate for this. Some doctors may also recommend that you avoid flying during the time of your cycle, as the change in air pressure may affect your cycle. If you are trying to get pregnant, you should try to ensure that your environment is as favorable for fertility as possible. This can include turning down the heating/air conditioning in your home, staying in a hotel when traveling, or wearing loose-fitting clothing. 

Have sex every day for 3 weeks before your period starts

If you want to get pregnant, IVF treatment in Chennai will need to have sex every single day during the 3 weeks before your period starts. While you should always use protection while having sex, you should also make it a point to have sex at least once a day for those 3 weeks. The reason for this is that your body will be at the peak of fertility during this time. If you skip one or more days, you will be less likely to get pregnant. If you are trying to get pregnant through IVF, try to make it a point to have sex at least once a day for those 3 weeks.

Track the quality of your eggs when using a stimulator and when not using one

When using a fertility-enhancing drug (such as clomiphene citrate or FSH), and a donor egg, it is important to track the quality of your eggs before you start the IVF cycle. This way, you’ll know whether or not you have good eggs, and whether or not you should continue with the treatment. Alternatively, if you can’t use a donor egg, you can also monitor the quality of your eggs while you are not using a donor’s egg. This way, you’ll know if you have good eggs, and whether or not you should continue with a cycle.

Take advantage of modern technology with IVF treatment itself

If you are trying to get pregnant through IVF, you can take advantage of modern technology to help you improve your chances of success. One such strategy is to use an embryo-expanding drug (such as Gonal-F or Cri-du-Perche), which increases the growth rate of embryos. Embryo-expanding drugs have been shown to increase the number of embryos that result from IVF treatment by up to 50%. In addition, these drugs can also increase the chance of a pregnancy occurring by up to 50%. These drugs, however, have side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and fatigue. If you are pregnant, you should discuss these with your doctor beforehand, as they may affect your ability to complete the treatment. 

Wrapping up

Getting pregnant through IVF is a difficult process, and it’s not surprising that many couples struggle to get pregnant. Fortunately, with careful monitoring, clever strategies, and a lot of patience, most couples can succeed at getting pregnant through IVF. Once you do succeed, your improved chances of having another child make up for all the failed attempts along the way! Here are 7 tips you can use to make getting pregnant through IVF easier.


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